All Classes and Interfaces

Simple array based implementation of BoolView.
Simple array based implementation of ByteView.
A functional interface which defines a function of type BoolFunction(boolean).
A primitive specialization of Iterator<Boolean>, which provides a non-boxing version of
A primitive specialization of a regular Slice<Boolean>, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A primitive specialization for boolean of View.
A functional interface which defines a function of type ByteFunction(byte).
A primitive specialization of Iterator<Byte>, which provides a non-boxing version of
A primitive specialization of a regular Slice<Byte>, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A primitive specialization for byte of View.
A primitive specialization of Iterator<Character>, which provides a non-boxing version of
A char slice is a specialized form of Slice, which provides primitive specializations and additional functionality through extending CharSequence.
A primitive specialization for char of View.
A specialized View for Deque, which provides an additional set of functionality over the regular view access.
A primitive specialization of Iterator<Double>, which provides a non-boxing version of
A primitive specialization of a regular Slice<Double>, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A primitive specialization for double of View.
A functional interface which defines a function of type FloatFunction(float).
A primitive specialization of Iterator<Float>, which provides a non-boxing version of
A primitive specialization of a regular Slice<Float>, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A primitive specialization for float of View.
A functional interface which defines a function of type char(int).
A primitive specialization of Iterator<Integer>, which provides a non-boxing version of
A primitive specialization of a regular Slice<Integer>, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A primitive specialization for int of View.
A primitive specialization of Iterator<Long>, which provides a non-boxing version of
A primitive specialization of a regular Slice<Long>, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A primitive specialization for long of View.
A specialized View for Map, which provides an additional set of functionality over the regular view access.
Mostly modified functions copied straight from Arrays, to mitigate the need of copying arrays when hashing a slice.
A mutable slice is a subtype of a regular BoolSlice, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A mutable slice is a subtype of a regular ByteSlice, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A mutable slice is a subtype of a regular CharSlice, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A mutable slice is a subtype of a regular DoubleSlice, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A mutable slice is a subtype of a regular FloatSlice, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A mutable slice is a subtype of a regular IntSlice, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A mutable slice is a subtype of a regular LongSlice, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A mutable slice is a subtype of a regular ShortSlice, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A mutable slice is a subtype of a regular Slice, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A mutable stack slice is a subtype of a regular StackSlice, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A specialized View for Queue, which provides an additional set of functionality over the regular view access.
Describes an object whose internal states can be reset, in order to reuse the object instance.
A functional interface which defines a function of type ShortFunction(short).
A primitive specialization of Iterator<Short>, which provides a non-boxing version of
A primitive specialization of a regular Slice<Short>, which allows mutating the start- and end-index of the slice.
A primitive specialization for short of View.
A slice is a View, which provides the ability to retrieve singular elements by their index, as well as creating sub-slices from a given index range.
A specialized Slice for Stack, which provides an additional set of functionality over the regular slice access.
A specialized View for Stack, which provides an additional set of functionality over the regular view access.
Extends both CharacterIterator as well as Resettable, to allow for the easy polymorphic implementation of multipurpose resettable iterators/enumerations.
A view describes a read-only window into an existing sequence of elements, like a collection or an array.