All Classes and Interfaces

A simple, allocation-friendly alternative to parallel streams, which can process a collection of elements, scaling (mostly) symmetrically accross all available (or specified) threads.
Simple bi-map implementation using two independent hash maps for fast reverse lookup, while giving up double the memory.
Super-type for all combinable types.
Super-type for all copyable objects, which do not want to use Cloneable.
Simple Java implementation of easing-functions found at
Base interface for all generic map implementations, which provides compatibility to Map and adds some extra functionality that makes multi-type maps easier to implement/use.
A simple holder class for representing a semantic version.
Shared utility functions for common math operations which didn't make it into Java's Math class.
Implementation of the MurmurHash3 32-bit and 128-bit hash functions.
A mutable specialization of Pair, which allows setting the elements referenced by this pair instance.
A mutable specialization of Quple, which allows setting the elements referenced by this quple instance.
A mutable specialization of Triple, which allows setting the elements referenced by this triple instance.
Various noise algorithms ported from C++ or GLSL.
A simple pair tuple type which can hold two objects.
A simple immutable quadruple tuple type which can hold four objects.
A simple triple tuple type which can hold three objects.